The Association of Medieval Crusaders

Fencing Manual - The Walpurgis manuscript (A)

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Fencing Manual - The Walpurgis manuscript

The oldest fencing manual known and it dates back to about 1300. In the manual, the priest Lutegerus / Liutger teaches a student in defense and attack with swords and buckles. The priest describing advanced techniques of stabbing, cutting, grapples and also a active use of the buckler to dominate the opponent's weapon. The manuscript is named after the woman who is fencing the priest on the last two pages of the book. This Walpurgis may be identical to a popular saint from the 700's that the book may be dedicated to.


Fencing Manual - The Walpurgis manuscript 01 (A)

Source type (A):
Archaeological object.
The Walpurgis manuscript (Tower Fechtbuch).
Possibly a clerk named Liutger.
Current location:
Royal Armouries, Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K. (MS. I.33).
Place of origin:
Franconia / Bavaria, Germany.
Last in 1200s (ca. 1300).
The last page of the book with the priest Lutegerus / Liutger and the woman / saint Walpurgis.

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